How do you know If your child has PANDAS?
For a child to be diagnosed with PANDAS or PANS they have to exhibit the following:
- Presence of OCD, tics, or both
- Sudden onset of symptoms or sudden worsening of symptoms
- Intermittent course of symptoms
- Children with PANDAS/PANS have dramatic changes in symptomatology usually characterized by extreme worsening of symptoms followed by gradual recovery
- Pediatric onset of symptoms (3 to puberty)
- Associated with group A streptococcus infection (PANDAS) (i.e. Strep throat, scarlet fever) or other illness (PANS) (i.e. Lyme disease, the flu, etc.)
- Associated with neurological issues or abnormalities
- Symptoms are not better explained by another neurologic or medical disorder
Other symptoms associated with PANDAS include:
- Anxiety or depression
- Separation anxiety
- Hyperactivity, fidgeting, and inattentiveness similar to symptoms experienced by people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Bedwetting, frequent daytime urination, or both
- Mood or personality changes such as sadness, irritability, rage, etc.
- Trouble sleeping
- Severely restrictive eating habits
- Changes in motor skills (i.e. handwriting, tying shoes, etc)
- Difficulties in school including difficulty concentrating or learning
- Lack of coordination
- Sensory issues
- Joint pain
Remember: If you’re concerned that you or a loved one may have PANS/PANDAS please see a medical professional, this resource is just a jumping off point, not a diagnosis