The Science Behind PANS and PANDAS

Wynter Aria2024-03-29

Lots of factors play into developing PANS or PANDAS. Here is the simplest explanation of the science behind PANS and PANDAS.

PANDAS stands for pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infections. PANS stands for pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome.

Streptococcus bacteria use a technique called molecular mimicry to evade detection for as long as possible. Basically it covers its cell wall in molecules that make it look almost identical to cells in the child's joints, heart, brain, etc.. When the bacteria is eventually recognized as foreign the immune system sends antibodies to attack the invaders. Where PANDAS children differ from other children is that in their case, due to the molecular mimicry, the antibodies end up mistaking the child's own cells for foreign ones and attacking those as well. Some of these antibodies attack cells in the brain, causing the host of neurological symptoms we see in children with PANDAS.

PANS has a very similar cause, however in that case the symptoms are caused by an infection other than strep. PANDAS falls under the umbrella of PANS but is treated as its own diagnosis because of the large number of cases that have to do with strep.

PANDAS and PANS are still very rare so just because your child has had a strep infection or other infection does not mean they will develop PANDAS/PANS. These diagnoses are only considered when there is an extremely close relationship between a recent strep infection and OCD and/or tics. If OCD and/or tics repeatedly coincide with infections, then PANDAS/PANS should be considered.

PANDAS and PANS are not contagious.

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